Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Who knew the dentist could be so exciting?!

I've been up since about 5:15 this morning. I had to get to the gym and then to the dentist at 7:50 am. Got there and seems my gums are a little more sensitive than usual. Need to floss, yada yada. She asked if I was on any hormones...didn't know why. Told her about the Prometrium, but didn't think that was a hormone. So as she is finishing up, she reiterates, "You were jumpier today than most patients and your gums were bleeding, are you sure you aren't on hormones?" I said I was 85% positive and asked why. She said, "When your hormones go up, your gums become more tender and bleed more." I asked if that could be related to pregnancy as we have been trying and her face lit up. "Absolutely! There is even a medical condition called Pregnancy Gingivitus because people stop flossing because their gums are so tender." I told her we didn't know if we were, but it was possible.

You know that I flew out of that office to call Dr. H (our RE) and was told Prometrium is NOT hormones! So I am truely hoping that this is the month. Tried to call DH but he didn't answer, so called Talia to relay the news (she is always so supportive) and almost brought her to tears on the phone with excitement! So anyone out there, please pray for us for the next 2 weeks! This may be it! I'm trying not to get too excited, but this feels like sign #2 (first one being Acupuncture on Mon's experience!). Cross those fingers folks! Thanks!

1 comment:

  1. Praying for you still and can't wait to talk to you! I'll try you tonight after I get out of work...fingers crossed!!!


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