Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year! Welcome 2010!

First off, hopefully you had a great New Year's friends!  We (hubby and I) were very laid back.  Since I've been sick, going out was out of the question and J was tired from working all day so our New Year's Eve consisted of delivery pizza, a movie (Wolverine - not a bad flick) and going to bed far before midnight.  It was nice and quiet, and perfect.  Still getting over this illness that doesn't seem to want to let go!  But at least I am not wearing jammies today, thanks to our little visitor this morning. 

J decided to go out camping with one of his buddies tonight (crazy I know since it will probably be 30 degrees where they are - did he ask me to go, hell no, he knew what the answer would be - especially with me still sick.)  Anyway, so after sleeping in quite a bit this morning, we finally rolled out of bed and wandered downstairs.  J started packing up the truck with his camping gear and the quad, while I vegged on the couch with breakfast.  Pretty soon, I hear J open the door and ask me to put the dogs outside, so I do as was requested and then go to see what he needs - figuring he had the box for the Christmas tree.  When I opened the door to the garage, there is J with a little dog.  Now we have medium sized dogs (Sierra is 40 lbs, and Blazer is 50 lbs) but this dog was about the size of the cat (15 lbs?) and her little face was all covered in mud.  Poor thing looked like she had been out for a while.  No collar either.  So, I put the kitty in the bathroom so we can bring the little dog in and decide what to do.  Talk about a sweet heart, she would listen when we said come and stay and just wanted to be loved on.  She was a lopsa-apsa (sp?) and looked like she had had puppies recently.

So we start to talk about what to do.  I called Pima Animal Control and of course they are closed being a holiday and all and said maybe they could come get her tomorrow, if we were lucky.  So we decide to see how our dogs would react to this little one.  We bring Sierra in with the stray on the counter, and Sierra is going nuts.  Finally put them both on the floor and holding Sierra's collar, let them smell each other.  Yeah, that didn't go so well.  Both started baring their teeth and we knew this wouldn't work.  So we start thinking of friends we could ask to take the dog, just for a couple days and came up empty handed.  Finally, I think to call our vet and see if they can take her as they board dogs.  Of course, they are closed but give me another number to another vet.  Call them and they are open being emergency vets.  They say they will take her if she needs medical assistance, but if not they can't.  So more debating, and finally decide to try to take her there and hope they take her and can care for her until Pima Animal control comes to get her later in the week.  So I run upstairs to put on real clothes, and try to look a bit presentable, grab the kitty crate for vet visits and coax her in there.  J is still working on putting stuff in his truck.  Get the little gal in the truck and traipse over to the vet, who is thankfully open.  They take one look at the poor thing and agree to take her off my hands.  They scanned her for a microchip and found none.  But thankfully they took her and said they would clean her up and take care of her.  Breaks my heart that people just leave their animals out like that!  What a way to start the year, my good deed for the day is done.  Hopefully, someone claims her or adopts her soon.  I would have, she was so sweet, but we have a zoo and 4 animals is way too much for us!

So now, J is off camping in the wilderness and I am debating taking down the tree slowly.  Still getting my strength back and looking forward to a calm evening.  We both decided we will start our better eating regimen on Monday and be healthier going forward.  So that means back to WW for me, and meetings too I think.  Maybe not every week, but at least every-other-week.  I am afraid to get on the scale just because of the last couple weeks and no gym for over a week (gasp!).  Does coughing burn calories?

Anyway, whatever you did last night I hope it was fun and welcome to 2010!  I hope it is productive, less stressful, healthier and happier for us all!  Here's to positive thoughts, and positive tests! Cheers!

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