Sunday, April 24, 2011

And so it begins....?

Hello dearest Blogites...we're on the verge here.  The verge of many things.  CFP scores come in 3 weeks.  But even closer yet is birth control starts Thursday.  Yup, THURSDAY!  I know it's a small step, but it is a step none-the-less.

So, in that respect and out of some fear, I emailed Holly H. (I'll explain the name change in a bit) - the IVF coordinator at Dr. H's office to make sure I knew when I was to start BC.  Please note, AF is due tomorrow and I'll be traveling for a short conference, leaving J at home to his own devices.  Anyway, AF is due tomorrow and I wanted to make sure BC didn't start earlier than Thursday, when I'll be back.  Holly H. emailed me back and confirmed that yes, Thursday is the day to start.  This email came on Friday.  Now it's Sunday and AF is no where to be found.  (Only in an Infertile's brain is AF late even when she's not early!)  I had emailed Holly H. again after hours about some fertility vitamins that I won from Busted Kate a while back asking if we should take them or not and she emailed me this morning.  Sunday.  Easter.  I swear, these people always work.  Gotta love it!

The answer was, "if you can eat the nutrients that are in the vitamins, you don't need them.  If you can't, you need them.  So J needs to take them and you (me) should definitely be taking prenatals and folic acid of 1000 mcg per day."  Actually, her exact words were: Go ahead and have your husband take them, I hope that they are really big pills and that he gags on them, then you can say: "Well, Holly said that if you eat better, you won't need to take these, but since you don't......" :).  Ahhh....such humor!

And I had also asked her, because I felt especially close to Holly H. on Friday, a very personal question (see, told you the story of the name change would come).  I asked her if she was related to Dr. H because they both have the same last name and I know that his wife is an OB in town, so I knew they weren't married.  So when she replied to me this morning she confirmed that yes, she is Dr. H's sister.  Talk about a family run practice.  Dr. H (brother) and Holly H. (sister) get people knocked up and pass them off to Mrs. Dr. H to birth the baby.  No, you don't HAVE to go to Mrs. Dr. H once you are preggers, but it's not a bad idea because she really knows what you have been through with her hubby.  Anyway, from here forward, Holly will be known as Holly H.

So I emailed Holly H. back this afternoon thanking her for answering me not only on a weekend, but on a holiday.  Then, asked for a mini-synopsis of what J should and should not be doing...i.e. drinking, exercising, etc.  Because if it comes from her, it's easier for him to comply than if I nag him to do it.  ;)  I also let Holly H. in on the little AF scenario to see if BC would start later if AF was late.  AF tends to be late when something is on the when I need blood work, when I need to start meds, when it will be really bad for me to have her because I'll be at work function!  So we'll see what she says. 

Okay Blogsies...I must be off for a little R & R before the craziness of tomorrow ensues.  Hope you had a wonderful weekend and Easter and I shall return Thursday...ish.

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