Thursday, July 22, 2010

Yes - the blog looks different!

Quick note, and then back to studying! 

I took a little break and updated the look of the blog...probably spurred a little bit by the note I got from my background company "Your background will disappear tomorrow! Sorry!"  That's not very nice!  But it made me try some things and I think it came out for the better...but yes, different!  Still can't quite figure out how to get posts to get emailed to people without my help, (any help is welcome....ahem, BUSTED KATE!).  I did figure out how to add pages and there is now one for the binders!  Will probably have separate ones once a few more are finished, but for now, at least I figured out how to make more than one page!!  I will be more tech savvy...I will be more tech savvy...I will be more tech savvy!

I promise to do a better post later today, but now must return to my beloved books...test #5 looms ahead!

Love you Bleaders more than you know!


  1. Looks awesome! You can always add feedburner, its easy to add a widget on the side.

  2. Can you help me with that? The last time I tried, it didn't work.


I love hearing what you have to say ... blog related or not! Dish away!