Anyway, here's some pictures of the three that I finished.
Each 1.5" binder is covered in a cotton fabric that is really soft and durable, plus some batting underneath to make it more durable. All covers can be removed and washed should they get dirty!
Inside, each binder is a large pocket to keep a pen, post-its, whatever suits your fancy.
It is SUPER organized...anyone who knows me will know that's how I roll.
Here's just a pic of some of the dividers and the tabs that are within the dividers.
- A business card holder for all your docs (OB, pediatrician, RE, acupuncturist, etc.)
- Bunches of checklists of things to do pre-birth, post birth and after year 1
- Charts to document anything you can fathom - cravings, doctor visits, baby names, baby gear, etc.
- Sheet protectors to hold whatever you want - doctor bills, insurance cards, articles, photos, anything!
- A couple articles about important things
- A list of helpful books and websites
- Love and relief. Concentrating on this has really helped me calm down a bit about all the stuff that stressed me out previously with TTC. I built this binder with love that someday I will have a child/children to use it with and I can help women out there with the vast amount of stuff they will get during their pregnancy.
I'm working on getting new fabrics, but the fabric I like isn't cheap so I try to stock up when it goes on sale. Let's just say the next time it is on sale, watch out! I also have some fabric for you University of Arizona fans out there, but haven't attempted a binder with it and it was pricier so if you would like a binder of that it will be a bit more expensive.
Now let's talk about the Trying to Conceive or Infertility binder for a second - that's the next one due out. It will have the same wonderful covers and organization, just tweaked for those of us who are "fertilitly challenged". The fertility/TTC binder will probably be a little more personalized too. It will depend if you are just starting to try or are where I am and have been trying for a while. There will be tabs for different years, as well as articles, history, etc. I'm working on creating calendars that you can keep track of different things like exercise, BBT, doctor's appointments, AF, etc. Plus, there will be lots of sheet protectors for your bills, notes and test results. I'm thinking it will be about the same price as the Baby Binder.
I guess that is all I have at the moment! I hope to hear feedback from those of you who are thinking about buying. I'm dropping it off at the OB's office tomorrow, so we'll see what happens. Cross those fingers that someone buys them and this actually works.
Thanks Bleaders!
Love love love it!