Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Bootstraps bitches!

Alright, so I admit to feeling down. This has happened the last three months...the week before AF I get nervous and a little weary. The negative tests shows its UGLY face and then I get a little depressed. I think the first time was the worst because we were both so sure it would work and now that we have hit round number three and that stupid line eludes us, it should be easier? But it isn't. I hit bottom and I just want to be in bed, but I can't because even though I don't have kids I still am an adult and have responsibilities.

This time was hard too. Add in the fact that I haven't been feeling myself lately, and while I was hoping it was the p-word, it was really a little cold or whatever. Monday was brutal. Woke up feeling awful and then when I finally start feeling better up top, AF comes barreling down the road and smacks into me like a mack truck! Well, at least that is a reason not to work out!

I know working out brings up my endorphins, but I have been so exhausted all week long. I just want to curl up and sleep...and sleep...and sleep it all away. But I work, and I study and chat with hubby and friends. I need to get back to the gym and I need to get back to eating healthy, and I need to get ready for my 30th birthday party and the people that will bring. I just need to pick myself up by my bootstraps and go...go! For today, I am good where I am. Class in about an hour and a half, study til then. Then relax and be there for someone else tomorrow. I will get thru this and I need my time off from this.

Thanks folks. Sorry if this post was a little crazy, but that is where I am at now. Later!

1 comment:

  1. Boooo to crappy biology! Yeah I've had the blues a little bit too. I vote skip the gym, I just read on Twitter that too much exercise can negatively impact your fertility! :-)


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