Tuesday, April 13, 2010

I'm a bad blogger!

Hi Bleaders!  I'm sorry I haven't been blogging but life has been pretty calm lately.  No complaints and no excitement.  Plus UBER-busy.  I'm lucky I have these moments to write something. 

AF showed up Sunday before I walked in the Susan B. Komen Race for the Cure.  I knew AF was coming but unlike last month when she was way late, this month she was way early.  So early in fact that I thought it was spotting to begin with and I got mad, only to realize later that the cramps were there too - only time I have ever been relieved to have cramps!  Who would have thunk it?!  So as hard as it was to get up THAT early on a Sunday, it was even harder with cramps, and then to realize that all the people I was supposed to walk with had to bail for sadly...very good reasons!  So couldn't even be mad.  Thankfully, I knew my neighbor was walking so I texted her at 6 am and asked if I could walk with her and her family, and she gladly obliged.  So the day wasn't a total loss. 

But really, that is all my excitement.  This weekend will be C-R-A-Z-Y!  Two children's birthday parties on the opposite sides of town on Saturday, to be followed by dinner with J and the Gaslight theater to celebrate our 6th wedding anniversary on Saturday night.  And then we get to pack for our vacation....not telling exactly when we leave...the important people know! ;)  Don't worry...our housesitter is a "live-in" and if you get past him, you have to deal with the cat.  Ask anyone....don't you dare!

Alright dear ones, I swear I will actually post before we leave and maybe even during...am taking the laptop!  Love to you all and good night.

P.S. I hope your taxes are done!  I'll be glad when Thursday is over!

1 comment:

  1. LOL - you're so right. Sonoma is better than any guard dog!! Counting down on this end!!!


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