Sunday, October 2, 2011

You know you are pregnant when...

Hello fair Bleeps...since Busted Kate isn't really blogging anymore (hint, hint - miss you), I'm gonna use her word!  How have you been?  I'm actually feeling a wee-bit better lately.  Still tired, but not so yuck...unless I try to feed the dogs which I had to this weekend because J went camping.  He laid out a paint mask for me to wear while doing the deed and it didn't help...can you believe that:?!  Not only didn't it help me, but it scared the be-jeezus out of the dogs.  So that led me to think about how my life has changed in the past 12 weeks...that's right, tomorrow I will be at 12 weeks!  I just can't get over that.  So let's begin...

You know you are pregnant when....

(as noted above) ...the slight smell of dog food, opening the dishwasher, or anything half-foul throws your stomach into a roller coaster and you have to figure out how to breathe and not lose your breakfast...

...when you wake up to pee at 6 am on a Sunday (yes, this morning) and can't fall back asleep, only to take a nap at 1 pm...

...when you go to try on clothes with a friend only to show off your fat "bump" which makes buttoning your jeans impossible and they are held together with a hair-tie and a belly band (yesterday)...

...when you try on new bras because they are on sale and your old size doesn't not only NOT fit, but you feel like your lungs may just burst if you have it on for one second longer (yesterday - yup, I'm up one full cup, much to J's liking)...

...when your technologically-unpracticed MIL (soon to be GMIL - Grand-Mother-In-Law) learns to text so she can check in on you without bothering you too much(her second text after J sent her sonogram pics was "OMG, 1st pics of g-baby!")... I'm not complaining here, this is very sweet to me and I love my MIL very much, no joke!

...when you go to have dinner with a friend and you both decide the nachos sound great, only to realize after the first plate that they were half price due to happy hour and you order another platter and count that as dinner (again, yesterday)...and after the first couple nachos from platter #2 you realize that that was a BAD-BAD-BAD idea...

...when, no matter how much you suck in, the belly won't go away (everyday now)...

and last, but I am sure certainly not last in the grand scheme of things...

...when someone - anyone you haven't seen in a long time asks how you've been doing, you practically blurt out...."PREGNANT!" and expect them to jump up and down for joy (and they usually do)! 

Happy Sunday Bleeps...will update on our status later this week! Have a great one!

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