Sunday, January 22, 2012

Way late - 27 week update

Hi folks, I know this is way late (since I am 28 weeks today!) but I didn't want to miss out on posting it.  So here is my 27 week update.  Will blog later with 28 week update and baby shower deets! Again, my comments are in red.

Week 27 of Pregnancy 
Your baby moves on to a whole new growth chart this week, while your swollen feet and ankles may need a growth chart of their own. (Sadly, I think we are on our way to this one!)

Your Baby in Week 27 of Pregnancy
For a baby, it's time to trade in the old crown-to-rump measurement for a new head-to-toe standard. So what are your baby’s stats this week (which, coincidentally, is the end of the second trimester)? Fifteen inches — more than a foot long — and triple (or even quadruple) what it was in week 12. His weight is creeping up the charts as well, coming in at just over two pounds. More big news: Your baby may recognize your voice by now, so feel free to serenade your belly (start learning those lullabies!). (There's no singing here, but there is plenty of talking to baby girl by many people!)

Your Body in Week 27 of Pregnancy
Puffy? That's to be expected — about 75 percent of soon-to-be moms experience edema (mild swelling of the hands, feet, and ankles) around this point in pregnancy. That's because fluids build up in your body tissues thanks (or no thanks) to increased blood flow and uterine pressure on the vena cava (the large vein that cycles blood from your lower limbs to your heart). So while you may have a hard time squeezing into shoes or getting your rings on (or off), keep in mind that the puff factor is completely normal and temporary. (I have noticed this a bit in my ankles, and am worried they are beginning to look like cankles.  So if you don't see me baring the ankle-to-calf portion of my legs these days, this is probably why.)

Week 27 Pregnancy Tip: Your New Navel
Has your innie been outed? Is it poking straight through your clothes these days, like a timer on a well-cooked turkey? Don't worry: There's nothing novel about navels that pop during pregnancy — just about every belly button does at some point. Still, two questions may now come to mind as you glance down at your bulging belly: One — what can you do now that your protruding navel has taken on a larger-than-life life of its own? And two — will your button ever be…cute as a button again? On the first, there's not much you can do (though this is a great opportunity to clean out all that lint). As your baby grows bigger and bigger, so will your belly button. If you find that the outie look doesn't quite work with the fashion statement you're trying to make, consider taping your protruding navel down with a Band-Aid. As far as what will happen postbaby? Your navel will revert inward after you give birth — though it might be a bit wider and looser than before. My advice: Wear your reconfigured belly button proudly. (Nope, we aren't here yet.  I've always felt that I had a very deep belly button and now it is less of a cavern and more of a small dip.  So I anticipate the "pop" could happen at any time.  MBM calls it the turkey baster and says, "when it pops, baby is done!"  No popping here just yet!)

Week 27 Pregnancy Symptoms
Flatulence: Your growing uterus may be putting extra pressure on your rectum, causing you to lose some control over the muscles in your rear. Add your sluggish digestive system to the equation (thanks to pregnancy hormones that relax intestinal muscles) and you may find that you’re particularly gassy. Try to eat six small meals a day (instead of three large ones) so you don’t overtax your digestive system. (I'm still Burpy Magee, but thankfully, that's where it stops!)
Occasional faintness or dizziness: If you thought your days of feeling light-headed were over after your first trimester, think again; for some women, that bulging belly puts pressure on blood vessels, which reduces blood flow to the brain and causes dizziness. Keep blood circulating and pumping to your brain by drinking plenty of water each day. (Thankfully no, just hard to get out of chairs and off the ground at this point.)
Possible nasal congestion: High levels of estrogen and progesterone increase blood flow to the mucous membranes in your nose, causing them to swell. If your stuffy nose is making it hard for you to breathe at night — or making you snore — try wearing a nasal strip at bedtime to open up your nostrils. (In the morning when I just get up, you betcha.  Rest of the day isn't so bad.  I try to sleep propped up a bit and that seems to help.  No complaints from J just yet, although he's been snoring an awful lot lately!)
Restless legs syndrome (RLS): For some expectant women, it may feel as if their legs take on a life of their own — tingling and jittery — especially when they lie down at night. Talk to your practitioner about this (in some women RLS is linked to iron-deficiency anemia or a sensitivity to certain foods), and consider yoga or other relaxation techniques, which may help. (The only tingling I get is in my feet when I've been on the elliptical machine at the gym and Trainer says this is perfectly normal - preggo or not!) 
Symphysis pubis dysfunction (SPD): This weird pregnancy symptom develops when the hormone relaxin makes the ligaments in your pelvic joint too relaxed and stretchy, causing the pelvic joint to become unstable. If this is causing you pain, ask your practitioner about wearing a pelvic support belt (available online), which stabilizes the ligaments and helps keep the pelvic joint in place. (Again, haven't noticed this lately at all thankfully.)
Bleeding gums: Inflamed and irritated gums are quite common during pregnancy since ramped-up hormones may cause gums to swell and leave your mouth more vulnerable to bacteria and plaque. When you brush your teeth, remember to brush your tongue as well to minimize the amount of bacteria in your mouth. (I actually did witness this the other day and a few times since.  I have a dentist appointment next week, so we'll see how that goes.)
Skin, hair, and nail changes: Pregnancy hormones can cause hyperpigmentation of the skin — particularly if you have darker skin to begin with. This can result in darker freckles or moles, a dark line down the center of your tummy (linea nigra), or patches of darkened skin on your face (called chloasma). Don’t worry, most discolorations fade a few months after giving birth — just do your best to stay in the shade since sunlight can intensity hyperpigmentation.(I have a couple places on my face that I think have darkened and I definitely have the line down my belly.)

Okay, back to me.  Every time I read these updates, I am truly amazed!  I can't believe 1) I am actually pregnant, 2) I am this far along pregnant, and 3) in a few short months J and I will be parents.  Even though I am technically beginning my 3rd trimester today (28 weeks, even this says 27 weeks - told you I was late) I'm still amazed each and every day.

Alright, will post later about my shower that was yesterday, J's diaper party that was also yesterday and my 28 week update.  Have a wonderful week Bleeps!

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to hearing about the shower etc.. and congrats on getting to the third trimester!


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